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What We Do

Our Impact

Spreading Happines & Joy to Kids on Eid Day

Knowing the comforting power of play, we bring toys to kids around the country so they have the best Eid of their lives. We do it for the kids and it feels great to put a smile on their little faces. It is not just the toy, it’s the compassion and love that comes along with it. Believing and doing good for people must go hand-in-hand as we are fixated on letting underprivileged children experience the entertainment of toys.

The Prophet Muhammad, (PBUH) said: “Exchange presents with one another, for they remove ill feelings from the hearts” (Tirmidhi).

We know how much joy, comfort, and hope receiving gifts and toys on festive days as Eid means to kids, especially to those who have nothing and face hardships at such an early stage of their life.

Soccer World

Air Insanity Indoor Trampoline Park

Bowling Admissions

Toy Guns

Joy & Happiness

Indoor Sports

Choclates Giveaway

Toys for Children

Sports Tournament

Making Fun & Social Activities On the Day of EID

We make fun social activities accessible by setting up activities of our own while also giving out admissions to bowling and many other entertaining activities.